The Maharashtra government on Thursday repealed the three-decade-old Urban Land Ceiling and Regulation Act (ULCRA) at its Assembly session in Nagpur. The repeal, done after months of delay and......
The share of housing sector to the overall GDP (gross domestic product) is likely to rise by one per cent to 6 per cent on increased investment."Currently, about 5 per cent of India's GDP is......
The Maharashtra government has repealed the three-decade-old Urban Land Ceiling and Regulation Act. The repeal of the ULCRA will free up more land available for development.While the ULCRA repeal......
Call it an impact of the hopes of rate cuts in the country or renewed interest by foreign investors, BSE's Realty Index has outperformed big brother Sensex in the last 11 trading sessions - from......
Real estate stocks spurted by 6 per cent as news of the Maharashtra Assembly's approval of the proposal to repeal the Urban Land Ceiling and Regulation Act (ULCRA) trickled in. Mumbai-based realty......