After causing a flutter on social media with his Aadhaar dare, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Chairman R S Sharma has said he had thrown an open the challenge to Twitterati -- to prove how......
Biometric authentication is based on the unscientific and questionable assumption that there are parts of human body that do not age, wither and decay with the passage of time, says Gopal Krishna.......
The department of post on Friday entered into a strategic partnership with the Unique Identification Authority of India for registration and distribution of unique identification cards to Indian......
The government's ambitious unique identity project aiming to give a 16-digit number to all citizens of the country was renamed 'Aadhaar' on Monday and its new logo unveiled. The unique......
Millions across the country may soon get benefits of various government schemes, like cooking gas subsidies and old age pension, targeted at them with the launch of the much-awaited Aadhaar-enabled......
The Unique Identification Authority of India is setting up its data centre at Manesar in Haryana.This state-of-the-art, energy efficient, captive 'Green Data Centre' would be built as per global......
The United Progressive Alliancegovernment has fulfilled its promise to introduce the unique identificationscheme after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress president Sonia Gandhi distributed......