Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath arrived on Saturday in Gorakhpur, where Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat is taking part in a camp for RSS volunteers. IMAGE: RSS Chief......
As a festive spirit prevailed in Ayodhya, there was an emotional outpouring among residents of the holy city as the consecration of the new idol of Ram Lalla was held on Monday and said they indeed......
The village in Maharashtra has continuously sent soldiers to the army since World War I. Every other person you meet is a soldier or a retired soldier or is aspiring to be a soldier. Text: Archana......
'I did hesitate and was scared, but I decided to save the child as I realised I would have done that if he was my child.' IMAGE: A pointsman in Central Railway, Mayur Shelke, who saved the life of......
A goods train derailed between Karjat and Lonavala in Maharashtra on Monday, affecting Mumbai-Pune intercity and long distance services, a railway official said. IMAGE: Fifteen wagons of the train......