Gains were led by IT exporters amid a weakening rupee while bank shares reversed early losses. Markets ended higher on Monday after opinon polls in Britain over the weekend, ahead of the......
Mutual funds bought into banking, telecom, steel, oil and gas, and media sectors in March. Auto, cement & construction, aluminium, and IT stocks weighed heavy on their sell list, while stocks were......
Even until December, if you drove into the parking lot of the High Street in the Phoenix Mills complex (central Mumbai's trendiest retail destination), it was difficult to miss the 120-foot......
The US subprime mortgage meltdown has shaved off Rs 2,40,000 crore (Rs 2,400 billion) market capitalisation on the Bombay Stock Exchange in fourteen sessions. The benchmark Sensex has declined by......
"We are never confused about why we exist. Although volume growth, earnings, returns and cash flow are critical priorities, our people understand those measurements are all simply the means to the......