Turner Broadcasting System has decided to shut down its Hindi general entertainment channel, Imagine TV. It had acquired the channel from NDTV in 2010."Imagine TV has not performed and grown as per......
After snapping its ties with Sony Entertainment Television for advertisement, sales and distribution, leading Hollywood movie channel HBO has entered into an alliance with Turner International.As......
Turner Broadcasting System said on Wednesday that its Cartoon Network channel would remain pay after the introduction of conditional access system from next month."We have decided to keep Cartoon......
Internet giant Google Inc has entered into partnerships with media and web companies like NBC Universal and Amazon to provide content for Google TV, with the aim of synergising its Internet content......
Phil Lawrie, AlJazeera Network's global distribution head, cherishes his Indian connection. His grandmother was an Indian married to a Scotsman and his mother was born near Delhi. However, the......
After having acquired its Hindi general entertainment channel Imagine TV from NDTV back in 2010, Turner Broadcasting System announced today that they will be shutting down operations.Today,......