The Tamil Nadu government on Thursday December 30 said that all consignments of relief material for tsumani victims in the state should be sent to Joint Commissioner (Relief) A Chatterjee.Tsunami......
The Tamil Nadu government on Thursday said that all consignments of relief material for tsumani victims in the state should be sent to Joint Commissioner (Relief) A Chatterjee.Tsunami relief: Small......
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will visit areas affected by Sunday's tsumani waves in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Pondicherry and Kerala on Tuesday and Wednesday.The prime minister will return to......
Mumbaikars heaved a sigh of relief when the January 26, 2001 earthquake missed them.They were grateful that the December 26, 2004 tsumani decided to leave them alone.Then, Terrible Tuesday struck......
In his first public statement since the Tsumani struck southeast Asia on Sunday, US President George W Bush said the US, India, Australia and Japan have forged an international coalition to......
Japan's worst nightmare has become a reality. As it faces the biggest crisis since World War II, initial estimates peg the country's economic loss at a whopping $170 billion. Experts say the actual......
Leading industry chambers, Confederation of Indian Industry and Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Tuesday said the loss caused by Tsunami disaster was limited to shipping,......