'Narendra Modi could be too old to change his personality. On the other hand, his attachment to the RSS could be mostly sentimental. So one must hope that if he becomes prime minister, he is able......
"I don't know much about white revolution.. . . but he was my father!!" whispered Laatiben Bharwad, struggling to speak after hours of crying.Bharwad was one of the thousands of milk producers who......
Kurien prevailed over stiff opposition from experts and scientists from leading dairying nations like New Zealand and persuaded Unicef to gift a plant to dry buffalo milk. Jawaharlal Nehru......
'The controversy created by a Gujarat minister was totally unnecessary and unwanted.''It is a disgrace that a person who happened to be Gujarat's finance minister, spoke this kind of rubbish.'......
Best known as the ‘Father of the White Revolution’, Verghese Kurien started the biggest agricultural development programme in the world. This operation made India the largest milk......
The late Verghese Kurien left an indelible mark on Amrita Patel. As a young veterinary scientist during the early days of the dairy cooperative movement at Anand in the 1960s and later as his......