Market watchdog Sebi has imposed penalties totalling over Rs 26.5 lakh (Rs 2.65 million) on three companies in the current financial year so far for their alleged failure to redress investors......
India is the fastest growing mobile phone market in the world. The booming telecom industry has been attracting large amount of investments in the country. The number of telephone subscriber......
Market regulator Sebi has slapped penalties totalling more than Rs 50 lakh (Rs 5 million) on 11 companies since the beginning of the current fiscal for allegedly failing to resolve investor......
Bharti Airtel on Monday launched its Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) service, becoming the first private player to offer the service in the country. "We will now offer triple play service --......
DTH service providers upset over telecom regulator's proposal to make upgradation of STB mandatory. Dish TV and Tata Sky, the two major DTH companies, have sought compensation from the government......