Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Tuesday ruled out imposition of Tobin tax on capital inflows in the country, saying the situation in India has not not reached a problem stage. "Well the Tobin tax......
Tobin Tax has immense potential when used along with complementary policies such as counter-cyclical and macro-prudential measures, says Y Venugopal Reddy. The global financial crisis has......
Reserve bank of India governor Duvvuri Subbarao has said that India is not contemplating imposing Tobin Tax on capital inflows, but did not rule out introducing it later. "Depending on what flows......
The government may be debating the imposition of a Tobin-like tax as a measure to reduce exchange rate volatility and stem short-term capital inflows. The Tobin tax, first proposed by Nobel......
Extending full support to Europe, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said on Thursday that a quick solution to the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis was required but it should not be at the cost of growth......