A day after the Congress in Tamil Nadu was decimated in the assembly polls, TN Congress Committee President K V Thangkabalu announced his resignation from the post, accepting moral responsibility......
At a time when senior Congress leaders are shying away from contesting the April 24 Lok Sabha elections in Tamil Nadu and despite a lack of enthusiasm among cadres, there is a race to get tickets......
Former Union minister K V Thangkabalu, a senior Congress leader from Tamil Nadu, has decided not to contest the Lok Sabha elections. He is the second prominent leader, after Union Shipping Minister......
The assembly election results will not be a big help for the Congress in New Delhi because even if it wins impressively, it will still be considered a local win with the help of local issues. It......
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi on Wednesday launched the first election campaign at his birth place Thiruvaroor in Tamil Nadu, which many believed was a lackluster show. When the Dravida......