At one time, ESPN-Star Sports was the undisputed leader of cricket broadcasting in India. Then new kids on the block like Sony (that have the rights for the 2003 and 2007 World Cups), Zee (that bid......
Twenty one years ago, Ajay Devgn made a memorable entry into Bollywood standing tall on two moving bikes. Since his debut, Phool Aur Kaante, the famously intense star continues to balance his......
Twenty one years ago, Ajay Devgn made a memorable entry into Bollywood standing tall on two moving bikes. Since his debut, Phool Aur Kaante, the famously intense star continues to balance his......
There are films that are so bad, they're funny. And there are films that are designed to be funny but much too bad to care. Lately, Bollywood's sense of humour has slipped to an all-time low with......
When you're a features writer, you end up having to make up lists. Of greatest this and worst that. Of gangster movies. Of soundtracks. Of cricketers. Of Michael Schumacher's finest overtaking......
She gets paid in millions and compliments. And she loves them both.Here's a quick look at the most popular and unimaginative compliments paid to our Hindi film actress:"Wow, you are so pretty."......