'After his warm and affectionate farewell speech, the Chief of Staff of the formation asked me, "So, now you are off to Coorg to look after your coffee estates?"'For the last time, in Army uniform......
Government was watching Gandhiji's mood to know if he had cooled down.They found out from his letters and utterances that he was the same old firebrand and even more determined than before. The......
When I asked Krishna Gopal Sengupta, who had travelled through Bangladesh from Chittagong to Petrapole if the interim government had made any impact at ground level, he said, "it's been only a......
While most people associate a high-end car like Audi with luxury and comfort, for Mannu Sharma and Amit Kashyap it proved to be an inspiration to set up their own tea stall in Mumbai. IMAGE: Mannu......
It was Soni Somarajan's biggest dream -- to see himself as a proud member of the Indian Armed Forces.Life brutally shattered that dream.So, Soni tells Air Commodore Nitin Sathe (retd), he wove new......
These new authorisations were granted to companies with a minimum net worth of Rs 250 crore at the time of making the application. The ministry of petroleum and natural gas has granted seven......
'With 600 horses under the hood, the M5 that comes in a four-wheel drive avatar has historically been a track car, which means it's not going to be at its spirited best on city streets.' 'But this......
A much-vacant mall in a sleepy industrial park is all that’s left of the amount allegedly owed by Mangla Shree Properties against 0.2-mt sugar deliveries Farm houses and weekend resorts line......
Liger is a dead duck from the word go, declares Sukanya Verma. Bushy-haired, bearded caveman of contemporary era leaping in air to the sound of deafening drums and pummelling half a dozen ruffians......
Take this fun poll! 'It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great,' is how Tom Hanks explains the value of endurance in sports to the......