State carrier Air India on Friday barred Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad, who had assaulted its staffer, from its flights and even cancelled his return ticket to Pune from Delhi. Gaikwad, who has......
Singapore Airlines will make an additional investment of Rs 3,194.5 crore in Tata Group-owned Air India post-merger of Vistara in November. Photograph: Caroline Chia/Reuters The merger, announced......
As a full-service carrier, Tata-Singapore International Airlines, or Tata-SIA, faces an unusual challenge. Indian full-service carriers Jet Airways and Air India are mired in losses because they......
Tata Singapore Airlines plans to start services in September linking Delhi with Mumbai, Goa, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Jammu, Srinagar, Patna and Chandigarh with 87 weekly frequencies in its......
Tata-SIA Airlines has registered several names to brand their proposed airline and one of the serious contenders is Vistara. The brand name is set to be unveiled on Monday. Vistara is a......
Tata-SIA Airlines Ltd on Saturday said it hoped to launch flights by September-October this year as it expressed ‘satisfaction’ over the progress made in getting the flying licence from......
Paralympic silver medalist Deepa Malik has alleged rude behaviour by a cabin crew member of TATA-SIA-run Vistara, prompting the airline to issue an apology. Malik, who was travelling on Vistara's......