Amid a chorus for reduction in power rates here, the Tata Power has stepped up its 'Right to choose' exercise for consumers across the city. The company has organised 880 camps to explain the......
Tata Power has paid its Chairman Ratan Tata a total remuneration of Rs 68.4 lakh in the last fiscal, marking an increase of about Rs 6 lakh from the previous year. As Chairman and non-executive......
Almost 60,000 consumers of Tata Power Company across Mumbai will have to face increased power billing following state government's order to TPC to continue supplying power to R-Infra, a top company......
Tata Group is setting up an international nodal office in Dubai to help group companies grow faster in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region. Tata Sons, the group’s holding company,......
While study was done before the current boardroom battle began, the findings indicate Tata is no longer viewed as aspirational brand by working professionals. Once among the top five most......