Tata Motors announced the launch of the Tata Nano CNG emax in two variants in Ahmedabad. Powered with an engine that fires CNG and petrol, it has the lowest CO2 emissions among petrol cars of 75.6......
The Tata Nano, the world's cheapest car, could be cruising on Pakistani roads if the governments of India and Pakistan remove bottlenecks standing in the way of joint ventures and investments......
Faced with steep fall in sales of Nano, Tata Motors said it will reposition the budget car as 'a smart city car' with added features such as power steering, apart from introducing a CNG......
Auto major Tata Motors on Tuesday launched a new version of its small car Nano, which has dual fuel option of petrol and CNG, priced between Rs 2.40 lakh and Rs 2.65 lakh (ex-showroom, Delhi). The......
Tata Motors has sent out media invite for a day long media event at its Pune facility. While it is not new for a manufacturer to invite media for a plant tour/visit, Tata could be taking the same......