Tata Motors said on Tuesday it has appointed former General Motors India President Karl Slym as its Managing Director."Slym shall lead all operations of Tata Motors in India and international......
Tata Motors Managing Director Karl Slym died in Bangkok where he had gone to attend a board meeting of the company's Thailand arm.The company shares the grief of Karl Slym's wife and family at......
After reporting its biggest quarterly loss of Rs 800 crore (Rs 8 million) in the three months ended September, Tata Motors, the country’s biggest vehicles maker, is planning to offer a......
The last completely new product Tata Motors, India’s largest automobile maker, launched was the Aria, about two years ago. Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of an event in Pune, Managing......
Tata Motors will launch a diesel-powered version of its ultra-cheap Nano by the end of March 2014, its managing director said, hoping to kick-start demand for the model after years of disappointing......