The Bombay high court on Friday rejected the bail plea of Kashinath Tapuriah, arrested along with stud farm owner Hasan Ali Khan for alleged multi-crore money laundering. Justice R P Sondur......
The first high-level meeting of the Special Investigation Team on the issue of black money and special probe into cases of unaccounted funds stashed away abroad by Indians will be held in New Delhi......
The Enforcement Directorate has attached the properties of Pune businessman Hasan Ali Khan and his aide Kashinath Tapuriah, amounting to more than Rs 50 crore. The attachment includes residences......
The Mumbai police on Friday filed an application in the sessions court, seeking permission to arrest Kolkata-based businessman Kashinath Tapuriah, an associate of Pune stud farm owner Hasan Ali......
The Bombay High Court on Monday granted anticipatory bail to Kolkata-based businessman Kashinath Tapuriah in connection with a fake passport case of Pune-based stud farm owner Hasan Ali......
The Comptroller and Auditor General has said that 90 per cent of the country's income tax (I-T) arrears are owed by just a dozen individuals, led by Pune-based stud farm owner Hasan Ali......
The Enforcement Directorate has decided to send a team of its investigators to Switzerland, Singapore, the UAE and the UK to gather data on investments and assets of stud farm owner Hassan Ali Khan......
Hassan Ali Khan, arrested for alleged money laundering, has stashed $800 million in banks in countries like the US, Switzerland and Singapore and has links with officials of these banks, the......
Russian businessman Suleiman Kerimov did come in contact with Pune businessman Hasan Ali Khan seven years ago, but has had "no dealings" with him since. Eliot Lauer, a New York lawyer, who......
A Mumbai court has issued a letter of request to a Swiss court to allow income tax authorities to probe accounts of stud-farm owner Hasan Ali, who is alleged to have deposited billions of dollars......