The Tamil Nadu Toddy Movement had met both Chief Minister Palaniswami and Stalin to seek their intervention in lifting the ban on toddy-tapping and had submitted petitions, but there it remained.So......
State after state has imposed an alcohol ban, and has had to retreat, unable to address the financial and administrative fallout.Are we set for more of this cycle, asks Aditi Phadnis. IMAGE: In......
There was a recent news item:New Delhi, Aug 3. Congress president Sonia Gandhi will inaugurate the year-long celebration to commemorate the 150th birthday of Saint-Philosopher Sree Narayana Guru at......
Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee presented the Budget for 2009-10 on July 6. Following is the BudgetSpeechof Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee: Madam Speaker, I rise to present the Budget for......