Sebi to fix promoters’ side deals with PE investors The Securities and Exchange Board of India’s (Sebi) decision to come out with regulations on corporate governance issues in......
An erroneous 'cut and paste' job in updating its shareholding pattern has cost a Tata group firm, the Tinplate Company of India Ltd, an amount of Rs 228,000 as payments towards settlement of a case......
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has increased the application limit for retail investors to Rs 2 lakh, from Rs 1 lakh at present. The decision was taken at the regulator's board......
DRs have shares as an underlying asset and are typically issued by a bank, known as the depository bank, on behalf of a company. he Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) is planning to......
The promoters of all listed companies will have to make full disclosure of pledged shares within seven working days. This will also apply to offshore transactions. Since the guidelines are with......