Lashkar-e-Tayiba operative Abu Jindal, who was arrested in Delhi on Monday, was once called Syed Zabiuddin Syed Zakiuddin Ansari, according to police records. He was a member of the Students......
Suspected Indian link to the 26/11 Mumbai carnage Syed Zabiuddin's family in Beed, Maharashtra, ostracised by its own people, is trying to come to terms with their son being labeled a terror......
The Indian face behind the November 26, 2008 carnage in Mumbai has emerged out of the shadows. Intelligence agencies have revealed that the mystery man with a heavy Indian accent who was handling......
In the final segment of a three part series, Krishnakumar P reports on how a traumatised 'villager' led forces to the Maoist weapons manufacturing factory inside the forests of Dantewada in......
The Al Qaeda and other terror groups are obsessively meticulous about accounting. Leave alone guns and explosives, they keep a tab of every penny spent -- even on a bar of soap, a light bulb or......
Injuries are part and parcel of a sportsman's life. However, in some cases, they occur when the sportsman concerned isn't entirely at fault, but suffers the repurcussions......