India on Friday said it was confident of the passage of the Indo-US civil nuclear deal as it enjoyed bipartisan support among lawmakers, assuring that American firms would not be put at a......
The senior-most Indian-American in the Bush Administration, deputy US Trade Representative Karan Bhatia, has resigned effective October to return to the private sector. US Trade Representative......
The first-ever Indian mango-tasting festival will be held in Washington in June in the presence of the captains of Indian and American industries and top government officials thanks to the US India......
In an unprecedented gesture, US Vice President Dick Cheney will headline the 31st Anniversary Leadership Summit of the US-India Business Council titled, 'Implementing the US-India Strategic......
Boeingsaid on Thursday its board of directors has elected former US trade representative Susan Schwab as its newest member. "Schwab's expertise will help shape our strategies toward the global......
A top Bush administration official has said that there is "tremendous potential" for the growth of US-India trade and hoped that the two countries would work together for a strong Doha Round......
The chance of ministers meeting next month to push forward the so-called Doha round of trade talks increased yesterday after diplomats said they had made progress on setting goals for the......
The United States is committed to move the multilateral trade talks forward this year but India, China and Brazil need to contribute to a positive outcome of the World Trade Organisation......
Developed countries may not get a better deal in the stalled Doha Round of world trade talks in the future as countries like India are likely to harden their stance when talks resume some time next......