Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Saturday said India has never attacked any country out of hatred or contempt but if its interests are threatened, 'we will not hesitate to take a big step'.......
Three army officers were killed and a junior commissioned officer was critically injured on Wednesday when a Cheetah helicopter crashed at the Sukna military camp in West Bengal. Army officials......
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Sunday said India wants an end to the border tension with China in eastern Ladakh, but at the same time asserted that Indian soldiers will never allow even an inch......
Former military secretary Lieutenant General Avadesh Prakash has accused outgoing Army Chief General V K Singh him of being biased and vindictive, two days after the latter ratified a court martial......
Lt Gen P K Rath, who has been indicted along with former Military Secretary Lt Gen Avadesh Prakash in the Sukna land scam in Darjeeling, on Thursday approached the Delhi High Court against his......