The Punjab Police has ordered the withdrawal of security of 424 people, including former MLAs, Jathedars of two Takhts, heads of Deras, and police officers. Image only for representation.......
Two aides of sacked Uttarakhand minority panel chief Sukhdev Singh Namdhari have been arrested for their alleged involvement in the last month's murder of liquor baron Ponty Chadha and his brother......
The police custody of sacked Uttarakhand minority panel chief Sukhdev Singh Namdhari, booked on charges of murder in slain liquor baron Ponty Chadha shootout case, was extended on Wednesday by a......
Sacked Uttarakhand minority panel chief Sukhdev Singh Namdhari has been booked on charges of murder in liquor baron Ponty Chadha's shootout case, the Delhi police told a court on Thursday, which......
Sacked Uttarakhand Minorities Commission chairman Sukhdev Singh Namdhari, arrested recently in connection with Ponty Chadha murder case, was on Monday expelled from the Bharatiya Janata......