Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K Palaniswami on Tuesday said several efforts were made to save the three-year-old boy who died trapped in a borewell, even as opposition Dravida Munnetra Kazagham alleged......
The body of a five-year-old girl was pulled out by rescuers nearly 18 hours after she fell into a 50-feet-deep borewell at Harsinghpura village in Haryana's Karnal district, police said on Monday.......
Rescuers pulled out the decomposed and mangled body of a 3-year-old boy early Tuesday from deep inside an unused borewell, after a futile 80-hour attempt to save the child who had fallen in while......
Sujith Wilson is not the only child to have met with a tragic end after falling into an abandoned borewell as at least 10 other children had died in a similar manner in Tamil Nadu over the past 15......
More than 46 hours after a two-year-old boy fell into a borewell in Trichy, rescue teams are continuing their efforts to pull out the toddler after a brief delay and amidst a downpour. IMAGE:......