What do Katherine Hepburn, Jack Nicholson and Tom Hanks have in common? They all won multiple Academy awards. Glorious careers, these. Except as much one appreciates their tour de force......
Get your low down on what's happening in the world of Hollywood, right here! Oscar-winners Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock's name is being considered for a feature version of post 9/11 novel......
If experts are to be believed, critically acclaimed Slumdog Millionaire is at 2-7 odds of winning the prestigious Academy Award for the Best Motion Picture. The film, which has won four Golden......
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close is a fine film but it does not deserve its Oscar nomination for Best Picture. Here's why.Three important things to remember about the two Oscar nominations for......
Happy Birthday, Nicole Kidman! When the leggy, red-haired, pale-skinned Aussie beauty took Hollywood and its biggest star by storm, she was doted on for her prettiness and promise. But somewhere in......