In a shocking incident, a Samajwadi Party member stunned the Lok Sabha on Wednesday afternoon snatching the copy of the quota in promotion bill from Minister V Narayanasamy and was sought to be......
Amid a controversy over the probe into coal block allocation, Central Bureau of Investigation Director Ranjit Sinha on Friday discussed various matters related to the functioning of the central......
With Bharatiya Janata Party demanding annulment of the government's decision to appoint Ranjit Sinha as the new Central Bureau of Investigation director, Minister of State for Personnel V......
In the dock over three new Comptroller and Auditor General reports, the government on Friday stressed that these were not final and accused the auditor of not following its mandate. "I am not going......
The government on Monday said that it has "narrowed down" major differences over the proposed anti-corruption bill Lokpal and it was committed to get the legislation passed in the Parliament."There......
Seven World Bank-sponsored projects, worth about Rs 22,426 crore (Rs 224.26 billion), are being implemented across the country to improve delivery in centrally-funded schemes and meet other......
V Narayanasamy is an earnest man. The Minister of State looking after the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) shot off a note last week asking officials to fast-track a proposal to increase......
Punjab National Bank Chairman and Managing Director K C Chakraborty has emerged as the frontrunner for the post of the fourth deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Sources said that......
The selection committee headed by Reserve Bank of India Governor D Subbarao has shortlisted nine public sector bank chiefs for the deputy governor's post. The panel shortlisted those bank chairmen......