In the backdrop of a nuclear mishap in Japan due to a tsunami, India's top atomic scientists on Wednesday briefed Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on safety of nuclear installations in the country.......
Future nuclear power reactors could come up near populated areas as scientists develop newer and safer technologies to generate clean energy. The much-awaited Advanced Heavy Water Reactor may be......
Experts tell the PM that India's nuclear power plants are designed differently from the ones in Japan, so a similar crisis is unlikely to happen here. Also it seems certain that events in Japan......
While nuclear engineers cheer the KNPP's first full operation, on nine other sites which house atomic reactors, scientists spend sleepless nights, reveals Pallava Bagla. At India's highly-guarded......
There is an urgent need for a Joint Parliamentary Committee to examine the current liability regime besides a high-powered trans-disciplinary independent experts committee to study the issue, says......