The Crime Branch of the Andhra Pradesh police has arrested a man in connection with the attack on senior Telugu Desam party leader Dr Nagam Janardhan Reddy at the Osmania University campus on......
The brutal assault on senior Telugu Desam Party legislator Dr Nagam Janardhan Reddy in Osmania University campus was handiwork of a former naxalite Srikant Raju, who has several criminal cases......
The Narendra Modi government on Monday announced the prestigious Padma awards for 2021. In all 119 Padma awards were announced, of which the Padma Vibushan, the second highest civil award in......
Sixteen former ministers of the United Progressive Alliance government are staying unauthorised in government bungalows for over a month now and have been served eviction notices, the Lok Sabha was...... takes a look at the revamped Cabinet of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh: Dr Manmohan Singh Prime Minister and also in-charge of the Ministries/ Departments not specifically allocated to......
Are you always at a loss while planning your finances? Are you aware of the investment options available in the market? How best can you plan your finances? What are the crieria for evaluating an......
Name:satya Message:Dear John, Thank You for doing a terrific job with the Indian Team. I hope you continue the good work and see the team achieve even greater laurels. You are without doubt the......