The Narendra Modi government on Monday announced the prestigious Padma awards for 2021. In all 119 Padma awards were announced, of which the Padma Vibushan, the second highest civil award in......
Eminent Indian-origin academician Srikant Datar has been named as Dean of Harvard Business School, succeeding Nitin Nohria and becoming the second consecutive dean hailing from India to lead the......
On the face of it, times have never been as good for management schools worldwide as they are now. Their graduates command higher starting salaries than those from any other discipline; members of......
In leading companies in Information Age industries, the word "manager" is taking on a pejorative meaning -- something like "zamindar" -- a man who lived off other people's work and did no work......
Naina Lal Kidwai,CEO of Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp in India, is likely to step down from the global board of Nestle SA. The Reserve Bank of India is insisting on this as a precondition to......