Special Judge M L Tahilyani on Thursday lost his temper with Abbas Kazmi, the lawyer of 26/11 attacks main accused Ajmal Kasab and called him a liar and asked him for an unconditional apology. The......
Special Judge M L Tahilyani, who is presiding over the 26/11 trial in Mumbai, on Thursday passed an order under Section 45 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, prohibiting the media -- print and......
Special Judge M L Tahilyani, who is presiding over the 26/11 trial, on Thursday passed an order under Section 44 of the Indian Penal Code prohibiting the media -- print and electronic -- from......
Advocate for Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab, the lone gunman arrested for his alleged involvement in the November 26 terror strikes, on Tuesday sought four weeks time to reply to the draft charges......
Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab, the lone terrorist arrested in the November 26 terror attacks, said on Mondaythat he needed a lawyer and was agreeable to a court-appointed government defence lawyer......