The Gujarat high court on Tuesday allowed CBI's plea for shifting out IPS officer Satish Verma from the Ishrat Jahan alleged fake encounter case probe as it directed the agency conclude its......
The probe into the alleged fake encounter case of Sadiq Jamal of 2003 in Gujarat will enter yet another phase with the Central Bureau of Investigation all set to question former Special Director of......
A special Central Bureau of investigation court on Wednesday did not pass any order on an application which sought further probe into the Sadik Jamal encounter case, after the investigative agency......
Notwithstanding the political slug fest over the alleged fake encounter case of Ishrat Jahan, its trial is stuck for last two years in Central Bureau of Investigation court in Ahmedabad for want of......
The Central Bureau of Investigation has questioned Deputy National Security Advisor and former Intelligence Bureau chief Nehchal Sandhu in connection with Sadiq Jamal encounter in 2003 by the......