Ravi Uppal, one of the two main owners of the Mahadev online betting app, has been detained in Dubai by the local police on the basis of a red notice issued by the Interpol at the behest of the......
A shoddily drafted application for birth certificate was the loose string that led to the unravelling of the conspiracy to proclaim one of those accused in the 2018 gang rape and murder of an......
A special court in Margao, Goa, has acquitted all six accused in the 2009 bomb blast case. The incident took place on the eve of Diwali in Margao. Two people were killed in the blast. All six......
Indrani chose at that moment to wave a folded chit from the accused enclosure.It distracted Bharti, who looked at her sharply for a split second before turning back to Pasbola.The chit was......