Ex-Karnataka Chief Minister and former External Affairs Minister S M Krishna died in Bengaluru early on Tuesday, leaving behind a rich legacy of statesmanship and public service that saw the 92......
United States President George W Bush on Monday nominated former White House Counsel Harriet Miers, a close aide with no judicial experience, to be the new Justice of the US Supreme Court.Miers,......
Non-resident Indians and Persons of Indian Origin do not pay tax in India for the money they earn. We are just grateful if they send money to family back home here, and view that as a great source......
It was former United States President George HW Bush and current US President George W Bush as we've never seen them. On Sunday on FOX News, Bush senior (Prez 41) and Bush junior (Prez 43) gave......
Renowned tax expert Parthasarathi Shome has been appointed adviser to Finance Minister P Chidambaram.The appointment comes at a time when the ministry is struggling to rein in the fiscal deficit at......
You may have heard of the grapefruit diet, the Beverly Hills diet or even the cabbage soup diet, but the latest contribution to the weight-loss armoury may take you by surprise. It has been......
A 12-member jury has been selected to decide whether bankrupt energy giant Enron's former chairman Kenneth L Lay conspired along with former chief executive Jeffrey K Skilling to defraud investors......
Deep underneath your feet is a hellish stone soup, kept hot by a torrent of radiation from poisonous isotopes of uranium, thorium and potassium in the earth's superheated mantle. This is the heat......