It's box office battle once again between the two superstars of Malayalam films this Vishu. Mammootty teams up with yesteryear heroine Nadia Moidu in Doubles while Mohanlal has Jayaram......
According to some estimates, of the 90-odd films released in Malayalam in 2011, a mere 15 per cent were successful. Films such as Sandwich, Mohabbath, Ninnishtam Ennishtam 2, Violin,......
Paresh C Palicha reviews Malayalam film Doubles. Post YOUR reviews here!It is double dhamaka in the Malayalam box office this Vishu. Megastars Mammootty and Mohanlal have a release each:......
Mammootty and Nadia Moidu play twins -- Giri and Gouri -- in debutant director Sohan Seenulal's Malayalam film Doubles. The shooting of the film has been completed in Pondicherry and the film is......