BK Modi group firm Spice Mobiles on Monday launched a Windows-enabled dual-SIM handset 'Spice D-1111' priced at Rs 18,499. The handset is based on Windows Mobile 6.0 platform and is equipped with a......
Fiscal year 2008-2009 will go down in world history as the year of financial meltdown, recession and job losses. Many banks closed down and savings rate dropped. As a result, many people are scared......
For the last few weeks, India's cricket captain and youth icon Mahendra Singh Dhoni has been extolling the virtues of Aircel mobile services on television, billboards and newspapers across the......
Post offices in Madhya Pradesh will sell mobile phones as part of postal department's Digital India initiative. The department has joined hands with state-run operator Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited......
Image: Lumia 640 comes with 5-inch HD display. Photograph, courtesy: Microsoft Microsoft on Monday unveiled two new smartphones -- Lumia 640 and Lumia 640 XL -- as it aims to......
FIFA World Player of the Year Cristiano Ronaldo and runner-up Lionel Messi need to reverse a surprising trend if either is to propel his side to victory in the Champions League final. Manchester......