The Bombay high court on Thursday commuted to life imprisonment the death penalty awarded to three convicts in the 2013 gangrape case of a 22-year-old photojournalist inside the defunct Shakti......
Data compiled by National Collateral Management Services (NCML, a non-government body) shows a 6.3 per cent rise to 109 million tonnes (mt). The Union ministry of agriculture’s first advance......
While reforms may translate into new opportunities for firms like ITC, Adani Wilmar and Reliance Retail, farmers are unlikely to use it for fear of upsetting commission agents. Illustration: Uttam......
'With curtailment in spends in marriage, it has impacted consumption'. There is a need for stimulus, as India is essentially a consumption economy'. IMAGE: Demonetisation has resulted in low......
'There is a need for stimulus, as India is essentially a consumption economy.' IMAGE: 'On the consumer spend side, organised retail is doing better while the kirana stores are seeing a reduction......
The formula for success of farm economy is very simple -- farmers should be able to produce more from the same piece of land at reduced cost while minimising risk and be connected to market to get......