Bhartiya Janata Party patriarch Lal Krishna Advani took a dig at the prime minister's 48-year old communication advisor Pankaj Pachauri in his latest blog for his "stupidity" of trying to fix a......
The Prime Minister's Office has lodged a formal protest with Washington Post newspaper over an article critical of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, and has termed the journalist's conduct as......
During the last one year, there has been an increasingly negative projection of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh partly due to his bad style of leadership at a time of cascading crises and partly due......
The epithets seem to be flowing. After Time magazine called Prime Minister Manmohan Singh 'underachiever, the Washington Post has said, 'India's silent PM becomes a tragic figure'. A report by......
If you judge the result, you must admit the UPA has scored some spectacular own goals, feels T V R Shenoy. If the International Olympic Committee ever recognises scoring self-goals as an Olympic......
Doves flew and confetti rained down as the Olympic torch was carried along the ancient Great Wall on a misty Thursday morning, the eve of Games that China hopes will demonstrate its modern-day......