The Maharashtra police has prepared sketches of two persons who may have planted explosives in Pune as investigators suspect the involvement of at least three persons in executing the August 1......
A wristwatch was used to trigger the explosives in the Pune coordinated serial blasts, as evidence gathered by investigators on Thursday appeared to point to the involvement of homegrown terror......
Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi today alleged that Mumbai terror attacks could not have been possible without "local support" and accused the government of shying away fromtaking action due to......
'I returned to jail at 4.45. I was body searched and sent back to my cell.''A bowl of dal was kept there covered.''Another guard gave me a tablet and I became unconscious.'Accused One spoke about a......
RBI may be inclined to impose severe restrictions on lending in the coming quarters. Illustration: Uttam Ghosh/ The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) may hand out diktats similar to the one......
Vijaya Bank assured employees that the service conditions ‘will remain unaffected and staff benefits retained’ Illustration: Uttam Ghosh/ In an effort to soothe nervousness......
Bankers have hailed the Prime Minister's call to end "financial untouchability" and opened millions of accounts on the inaugural day itself. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday launched......
Banks are also weighing the option of hiring experts for help in specialised areas. Illustration: Uttam Ghosh/ Public sector banks (PSBs) named for merger by the government have formed......
In the biggest consolidation exercise in the banking space, the government on Friday announced four major mergers of public sector banks, bringing down their total number to 12 from 27 in 2017, a......
When Aamir was in his teens, someone suggested that his uncle Nasir Husain should cast his nephew sometime in the future.'No,' Husain said, 'he can never be an actor.''I am a director. I have a......