The Delhi police on Tuesday described Shyan Munshi, the key eyewitness in the Jessica Lal murder case who had turned hostile, as a "liar" and told the Delhi high court that the trial court erred by......
Socialite Bina Ramani and aspiring model-cum actor Shyan Munshi whose "conflicting" testimonies that eventually led to the acquittal of the accused in the Jessica Lall murder case Tuesday came......
People associated with the 11-year-old Jessica Lal murder case on Monday hailed the Supreme Court verdict upholding the life-imprisonment given to Manu Sharma. "It is not impossible to convict......
The Delhi High Court on Friday granted more time to the witnesses, who turned hostile in the Jessica Lal murder case and facing perjury charge, to file additional documents. "Anybody who wishes to......
Senior advocate Ram Jethmalani, who is defending prime accused Manu Sharma in the Jessica Lal murder case, told the Delhi High Court on Thursday that he had no objection for a reinvestigation in......
Vickey Lalwani'Jaanasheen is racy, stylish and sexy'"My launch vehicle Jaanasheen is nearing completion," Celina Jaitley says excitedly. Miss India 2001 will fly to Australia to wrap the final......