A court in Mumbai on Tuesday remanded two police officers in the custody of the Maharashtra criminal investigation department in a case of alleged extortion in which former Mumbai police......
An Indian diplomat based in Shanghai was ill-treated and had to be hospitalised, prompting India to lodge a protest with the Chinese authorities. S Balachandran, 46, a diabetic, was attending a......
Accusing the Indian government and the media of "hyping" the ill-treatment of a diplomat and detention of two Indians by Chinese traders, an official daily in Beijing criticised the advisory put......
Two Indian nationals, who were being held hostage for about 20 days in the Chinese trade hub of Yiwu, were on Wednesday shifted out of the town for safety by a team of Indian officials after......
Two Indians, who were released from illegal detention of local traders in the eastern Chinese city of Yiwu and brought to Shanghai, have undergone health check-ups after suffering "multiple......