Kerala government on Thursday put the toll in the Puttingal Devi Temple fireworks tragedy at 108, saying the higher number of dead announced earlier was due to "duplication" in counting. As of......
With a 40-year-old man succumbing to injuries at a hospital in Thiruvananthapuram on Thursday, the toll in the temple firework tragedy in Kollam rose to 114. Sthayan, who was......
After Kerala Labour Minister Shibu Baby John's meeting with Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi stirred a row, the Left has trained its guns on Sree Narayana Mutt at Varkala for inviting the BJP......
The UDF ministry in Kerala headed by Oommen Chandy was today expanded with the induction of 13 more ministers -- nine from Congress, three from Indian Union Mu7slim League and one from Kerala......
Senior Congress leader Oommen Chandy was sworn in as the 21st chief minister of Kerala on Wednesday at the Raj Bhavan in Thiruvananthapuram. Along with Chandy, six floor leaders of the United......