Bollywood stars attended fashion designer Shaahid Amir's new collection launch at Fizaa store, in Juhu, a western suburb of Mumbai, on October 29. Ameesha Patel looked refreshing in white. Click......
Bollywood stars attended the 2013 edition of Stardust Awards held over the weekend at MMRDA in Bandra, a western Mumbai suburb. Dressed in a black top and palazzo pants, Priyanka Chopra stole the......
Magna Publishing head and producer Nari Hira celebrated his birthday on July 8, and several Bollywood stars turned up to wish the publishing magnate at his Millenium Tower residence in Breach......
Anurag Kashyap's much-awaited film Gangs of Wasseypur had a special star-studded screening on June 19 at Ketnav theatre, Bandra, a suburb of Mumbai. The film will release this Friday.Director......
The Telugu film industry is always in search of new faces particularly glamorous ones from Mumbai and New Delhi. In the past few years, we have seen many girls like Anjala Jhaveri, Namrata......