The Delhi high court on Tuesday directed Jamia Millia Islamia to re-admit three law students, who have been acquitted in a case of kidnapping and gangraping a minor girl in the national......
Five law students of Jamia Millia Islamia have been acquitted by a Delhi court of charges of kidnapping and gangraping a 16-year-old student after she failed to identify them. Additional Sessions......
Five law students of Jamia Millia Islamia University were on Wednesday chargesheeted in a court for allegedly confining and gang-raping a minor girl at their residence last year. The probe agency......
The judicial custody of five Jamia Millia Islamia University law students, accused of gangraping a minor girl for over two months by keeping her in captivity, was Thursday extended till January 16......
Mayawati was outmanoeuvred by the BJP in the race for the Rajya Sabha in Uttar Pradesh just days after she helped the Samajwadi Party snatch two Lok Sabha seats from the saffron party in......