West Bengal's ruling Trinamool Congress gained control of the 144-member Kolkata Municipal Corporation on Tuesday clinching nearly 72 per cent of votes, in a ringing endorsement for the party seven......
Sporadic incidents of violence including hurling of bombs at two booths marred an otherwise humdrum polling to the Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) as 63.37 per cent of the nearly 40.5 lakh......
Attorney General Goolam E Vahnavati and corporate lobbyist Niira Radia are among the 125 witnesses listed in the Central Bureau of Investigation chargesheet in the 2G spectrum scam. The name of......
Reliance Communications chairman Anil Ambani was questioned on Tuesday by Parliament's Public Accounts Committee in connection with alleged irregularities in the 2G spectrum allocation. Etisalat DB......
Parliament's Public Accounts Committee has summoned DB Etisalat chief executive officer Atul Jhamb, Shamik Das of S-Tel and Sigve Brekke, managing director of Unitech, in connection with 2G and 3G......
Life insurance companies are balancing the increasing use of celebrity endorsers by limiting the association to short, event-led campaigns, finds M Saraswathy. It seemed like an......