The 68th National Film Awards saw actors from across India get together for the prestigious ceremony in New Delhi. While Ajay Devgn received his third National Award, power couple Suriya and......
Six new Malayalam releases will hit the screens on April 26: Shalini Usha Nair's Akam, Rajasenan's 72 Model, Sajan's Progress Report, K B Venu's August Club, A G Sukumaran's Ente Puthiya Number and......
Malayalam film Akam has some exciting moments, writes Paresh C Palicha.In Manichitrathazhu (1993), Fazil had made the point that someone who believes in supernatural horror stories needs......
IMAGE: Aparrna Balamurali and Suriya in Soorarai Pottru. Tamil film Soorarai Pottru won the National Award for Best Feature at the 68th National Film Awards for 2020. The film, inspired by the......