Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Wednesday proposed to double the deposit limit for Senior Citizen Savings Scheme to Rs 30 lakh and Monthly Income Account Scheme to Rs 9 lakh. Illustration:......
When the Senior Citizens Savings Scheme as launched in August 2004, one of investors' major grouse was the stiff eligibility norm. Only citizens above the age of 60 years were permitted to invest......
The five-year Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS), which was launched in the second half of 2004, was quite a hit because it offered higher returns. Many investors who invested in the initial......
Finance Minister P Chidambaram had announced the launch of a dedicated scheme for senior citizens in his Budget speech and the same has now been initiated. The 'Senior Citizens Savings Scheme' is......
The government on Friday raised interest rates on most post office saving schemes by up to 0.7 per cent for the April-June 2023 quarter in line with the firming of interest rates in the economy.......