Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Wednesday condoled the death of senior Bharatiya Janata Party leader Pramod Mahajan. Mahajan died at Hinduja Hospital in Mumbai after battling for life for 12 days......
As the dust finally settles on the outcome of the Lok Sabha elections 2019 and Bharatiya Janata Party along with its NDA allies emerges as the clear winner, here is a list of who won in each of the......
Saroj Poddar, co-promoter of Gillette India, has written to the Securities and Exchange Board of India, expressing willingness to resolve a dispute over slashing the promoters’ stake in the......
Kolkata-based Adventz group chairman Saroj Poddar’s plans to acquire a sizable chunk of shares in both Mangalore Chemicals & Fertilisers and Kalindee Rail Nirmaan Engineers can hit legal......
The ambition of liquor baron Vijay Mallya and Zuari chief Saroj Poddar to jointly own a controlling stake in Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilizers might not be smooth sailing, despite the Securities......
The takeover of Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilizers has taken another turn, with Nagreeka Foils, a minority shareholder in the company, writing to the Securities and Exchange Board of India ......
United Bank of India (UBI)’s decision to declare UB Group chief Vijay Mallya a wilful defaulter has cast a shadow on Zuari chief Saroj Poddar’s plan to jointly own controlling stake in......