Korean company Samsung Electronics on Thursday said it has sold more than 10 million Galaxy devices in the Indian market since the launch of the first Galaxy device, 'Galaxy S', in June......
Smartphones are becoming faster by the day. The moment one company starts selling a product; another one announces development of a smartphone much faster. Just to give you an example, Galaxy SII......
Apple's iPhone 5 is expected to outsell Samsung's Galaxy SIII, its nearest rival, which has shifted over 20 million units worldwide since its launch in May, according to The Economist. Each new......
Boasting of a 41-megapixel sensor camera, Finnish handset maker Nokia on Wednesday launched its Pureview 808 in India, which will not only take head-on competitors like Samsung Galaxy SIII and......
Five years after the first iPhone took the smartphone market by storm and left mobile companies to play the catching up game, Apple is expected to announce the iPhone 5 on Wednesday at an event in......