The Bharatiya Janata Party and the Trinamool Congress shared the honours by winning two Lok Sabha seats each, claiming it was a vindication of their stand on demonetisation, as ruling parties in......
The Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM-A) on Wednesday published its audited placement data for its three full-time management programmes, the flagship Post Graduate Programme (PGP),......
After a fee revision for the post graduate programme batch 2010-12, the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad has revised the fees again by 5.5 per cent for the 2011-13 batch.Similarly, the......
Justice D R Dhanuka, non-executive chairman of Bombay Stock Exchange governing board, has resigned from all the positions on the bourse.Confirming this in Mumbai on Wednesday night, Justice Dhanuka......
The Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM-A) has finally agreed to set up a satellite campus near Hyderabad. The decision was taken at a board meeting of the premier B-school on June 24,......
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad director Samir Barua today said there was a possibility of setting up campus outside India but not in the near future due to lack of resources. "I do not......
An old man stands at the feet of the vast sea. A loving daughter searches for answers in the magnanimity of its waves. A story unfolds through the confines of a cosy house. The empty dining table......