In 2004, when rainfall was 13.8 per cent below LPA, the Sensex closed at a level 13.08 per cent higher than its level at the start of the year, write Sachin P Mampatta and Sameer Mulgaonkar. A......
As the 2019 election draws near, investors focus on long-dated options.While call options benefit buyers if the market rises, buying put options acts like insurance for their portfolio.Sachin P......
Sandeep Pai swears not to return to the stock market till he recoups his losses since 2008. This Mumbai-based businessman, who sells fire extinguishers to residential properties, had bought some......
Over the past 12 years, the stock market’s value has risen whenever foreign institutions have pumped money into the country’s equities. However, a Business Standard study shows, the......
Top-listed firms will have to shell out hundreds of crores each in social sector initiatives if the new Companies Bill takes effect. The Bill has been passed by Lok Sabha and is likely to be......